We will be opening the Development Nationals Hotel Block on Monday January 27th. Below is the link that we will post to the Dev Nationals website along with the cancellation policy.
If cancellation occurs after January 28th – $100 penalty fee for any cancellation (per reservation).
If cancellation occurs after April 28th – $100 penalty fee charged by J Team Management PLUS an additional late cancellation fee of 1 night’s room + tax charged by the hotel (per reservation). These will appear on your bank statement as two separate charges.
NEW: If you are cancelling due to athlete injury, a doctor’s note is required and will need to be sent to events@jteammgt.com for consideration of waiving cancellation penalty fees. Please note that J Team can request a refund from the hotel on your behalf (with a doctor’s note) but that is ultimately at the discretion of the hotel.
If you have any questions on the DEV Nationals hotel blocks, please reach out to the events@jteammgt.com email address.